Monday 30 April 2007

Bad Cinema Kids.

Kids, a good choice for Bad Cinema. Not as well known as A Clockwork Orange, for example. Which i have come to understand many people have an opinion on (generally Negative) regardless of whether they have even seen it. Therefore, many people have to establish there own opinion rather than simply agree with the standard hatred and shock at bad cinema. Kids is beautifully shot by photographer Larry Clark.

The film itself deals with some deeply controversial issues. HIV, Drug abuse, underage sexuality, underage drinking. To name a few. My only problem when watching the film was the uncomfortable amount of child nudity Larry Clark shows. It would easily have been possible to tell an equally shocking and true story without doing this to the Kids he films. Therefore the film leads us to question larry clarks motives here as a middle aged photographer/photographer. However, though the pornographic nature of the film can be uncomfortable, it is important to see past this and discuss the films many merits.

The film tackles the subject of HIV, the dangers of unprotected sex, and the lack of sexual awareness in young people, expertly. The film highlights The risk of AIDS and brings it much closer to home for many people. Rather than imagining the Virus's effects in Africa thousands of miles away, we are forced to see its horrifying impact in western society.

Wednesday 25 April 2007


Lying, we all lie, if people say they don't then theyre lying. Is lying bad behaviour. In some occupations lying is important, lawyers have to withhold information, police particularly during undercover operations must lie, in some cases for their own safety. We tell many white lies everyday, such as telling a friend they look good if they do not for example. However, lies that hurt other people are not as harmless. Lying to break up with a person, such as someone admitted to in the first Being Bad session, for example can be used to suggest Lying is indeed a form of bad behaviour. -- How to Lie. -- Festival of lying.

Monday 23 April 2007

Religious Cults.

An interesting subject. Though the lecture seemed to focus on the Jehovas witnesses and said very little about other religions and cults. It may have been more interesting had we looked at some of the more extreme cults that exist. I believe scientology would have been an interesting subject to discuss, Scientology has become a much debated subject, particularly due to its celebrity members such as tom cruise. And the unusual customs of the religion such as paying to go higher in the religion for example, mark it as debatable whether it is a religion or a cult in non members eyes.